Feldenkrais Post-Grad Studies | Seminars

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Feldenkrais Advanced Trainings

Go Directly to Seminars with:
Wolfgang Steinmüller, MD
Nancy Aberle and Mark Keogh
Learning Materials - Nancy Aberle and Lynn Bullock

Seminars with Dr. med. Wolfgang Steinmüller - MODULAR PRACTICE-TRAINING PROGRAM

The Thinking Body in der Feldenkraisarbeit - Ideokinese für Feldenkrais-Lehrende


Price: CHF 300.-

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"You are about to enter an adventure into your own being." These words used by Andrè Bernard to open an introductory workshop sum up what the practice of Ideokinesis can mean. Ideokinesis which is one of the oldest body-mind methods originating in the Western world, offers a creative method for using imagination and mental processes to improve the quality of movement, posture and thinking. Mable Todd who published in 1937 the book „The Thinking Body“ was the first to conceptualize and teach the method in the beginning of the 20th century. Ideokinesis was never sold as other western body- mind methods and is therefor not very known. Practicing "Ideokinesis" can improve health and vitality. The interaction between body and mind will be understood on a different level.
More information about the practical approach you will find in the book "Ideokinesis" by Andrè Bernard, Wolfgang Steinmüller and Ursula Stricker.

Price: CHF 300.-
Language: German
Fr. 14.00 - 19.00 Uhr Sa. 10.00-13.00 Uhr
Location: Bewegungs-Raum, Ottikerstr.40, 8006 Zürich

Instructor: Wolfgang Steinmüller, MD

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Improving the Abilities that are in us! Theorie and Practice of ATM (In German)


Price: CHF 170.-

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(In German)
Das Buch "Bewusstheit durch Bewegung" hatte in seiner ersten hebräischen Auflage folgenden Titel:
"Das Verbessern der Fähigkeiten, die in uns sind! Theorie und Praxis"
Von Moshe Feldenkrais entwickelte Bewegungslektionen (ab den 70er Jahren ATMs genannt) dienen zur Gestaltung eines Lern- und Entdeckungsprozesses. Zweck dieses Prozesses ist die Verbesserung von Fähigkeiten, die unser Leben angenehmer machen, sofern wir die ihnen innewohnende Kraft entdecken.
Ein Nachmittag für Feldenkrais-Lehrer und andere Interessierte.

Price: CHF 170.-
Language: German
Freitagnachmittag 14.00-19.00 Uhr
Location: Bewegungs-Raum, Ottikerstr.40, 8006 Zurich

Instructor: Wolfgang Steinmüller, MD

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Supervision with Nancy Aberle und Mark Keogh - in Zurich and on-line

Feldenkrais®- and NeuroMovement®-Centre for Children

May 27 - 31
June 24 - 28
August 5 - 16
September 2 - 13
October 7 - 11
October 28 - November 8
November 25 - 29
December 2 - 9

Price: CHF 0.- (free supervision session - see below)

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In September 2020 we, Nancy Aberle and Mark Keogh, founded the first collaborative Feldenkrais® and NeuroMovement® center for children in Switzerland. Nancy Aberle was the first to specialize in this work with children in Europe. Mark Keogh has been working as a Feldenkrais teacher with children with disabilities for over 20 years.

Together we have almost 50 years of full-time experience.
Families from many different countries come to us for Feldenkrais lessons.

We offer intensive teaching weeks for children where we work as a team with families.

If you work with children, you can bring a child to us, watch the sessions and learn from our experience. If you cannot be present, we can send you video recordings. We are happy to give you a free supervision session if you send a family to us for a week. More supervision can be scheduled if desired.

If you don't work with children but know families who could benefit, please pass on our information to them.

Bookings for intensive course weeks must be made at least 4 weeks in advance.

Price: CHF 0.- (free supervision session - see below)
Language: English und German
Please book times directly with Mark Keogh: contact@markkeogh.com
Location: Feldenkrais Centre for Children - Kornhausstrasse 53, 8037 Zurich

Instructor: Nancy Aberle and Mark Keogh

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Learning Materials - Nancy Aberle and Lynn Bullock

Video Recordings - Insight into Vision & Proportional Distribution of Effort

video recordings of a 2-day advanced training

Price: 80 Euro - 2 days of advanced training videos, videos of Nancy and Lynn working with children and extra notes.

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Feldenkrais® and ABM NeuroMovement® practitioners who are working with children with disabilities can benefit from these videos.

1) send your name, address and phone number to:
info@feldenkrais-post-grad-studies.ch (tell us which learning materials you want)

2) We can send you a bill to pay via PayPal, or with a bank transfer.

3) Pay CHF 80.- for the videos. We send you the access to the videos.

Thanks !

Nancy Aberle and Lynn Bullock worked together and supervised different groups of practitioners for many years. This on-line workshop focused on questions asked by some of those practitioners about visual perception. Videos of Nancy and Lynn working with children and their parents were used to address those questions. The movement lessons, hands-on techniques, and theory support practitioners to become even more effective with this method. A deeper understanding and practical applications of "Insight Into Vision" and "proportional distribution of effort", can be very helpful while working with children recovering from brain injury, or children with genetic disorders, epilepsy, cerebral palsy, autism spectrum, low muscle tonus and vision challenges, among others.

Nancy and Lynn both trained as Feldenkrais® and Anat Baniel Method® NeuroMovement® practitioners, specializing in the work with children. Nancy is Swiss-American and has lived and worked, with a full-time practice, in Zurich, Switzerland since 1997. She is known for her warmth and her capacity to transform complex concepts into simple explanations and practical applications. Lynn created an approach to deal with vision challenges called "Insight Into Vision". She was a Clean Language therapist and trainer specializing in overcoming trauma.

For over 15 years, Nancy and Lynn offered advanced trainings for Feldenkrais and ABM practitioners, workshops called Empowering Parents, as well as supervision groups and individual mentoring.

Price: 80 Euro - 2 days of advanced training videos, videos of Nancy and Lynn working with children and extra notes.
Language: English
2 days of professionally edited advanced training and lessons with children
Location: Videos Recordings - with index for easy navigation

Instructor: Learning Materials - Nancy Aberle and Lynn Bullock

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EMPOWERING PARENTS - Empowering you to help your child - VIDEO link.

WORKSHOP Videos in English
(With translation in Croatian)

Price: CHF 80.-

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Nancy Aberle and Lynn Bullock, accompanied by a team of European Feldenkrais Method® and NeuroMovement® Practitioners, have held "Feldenkrais Without Borders" 2-day workshops for parents followed by 2 days of lessons for children, in many countries. In Croatia alone, 900 free lessons were given to children with special needs!
These edited recordings are of one of these 2-day workshops for parents and professionals.

Themes of this workshop:
• Making the transition from “fixing” to “connecting” in daily-life, with you and your child
• Learning to tell differences in a more refined way
• The power of touch and clarity of intention
The themes of the workshop are explored with theory presentations, hands-on work, Awareness Through Movement lessons, demonstrations of a lesson with a child including explanations and an Action Plan for the participants.

1) send your name, address, and phone number to:
info@feldenkrais-post-grad-studies.ch (tell us which learning materials you want)

2) We send you a bill to pay via PayPal, or with a bank transfer.

3) Pay CHF 80.- for the videos. We send you access to the videos.


Price: CHF 80.-
Language: English and Croatian
These edited recordings are of a 2-day workshops for parents and professionals.
Location: VIDEO link

Instructor: Learning Materials - Nancy Aberle and Lynn Bullock

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