The Thinking Body in der Feldenkraisarbeit - Ideokinese für Feldenkrais-Lehrende
Wolfgang Steinmüller, MD
CHF 300.-
Fr. 14.00 - 19.00 Uhr Sa. 10.00-13.00 Uhr
Bewegungs-Raum, Ottikerstr.40, 8006 Zürich
"You are about to enter an adventure into your own being." These words used by Andrè Bernard to open an introductory workshop sum up what the practice of Ideokinesis can mean. Ideokinesis which is one of the oldest body-mind methods originating in the Western world, offers a creative method for using imagination and mental processes to improve the quality of movement, posture and thinking. Mable Todd who published in 1937 the book „The Thinking Body“ was the first to conceptualize and teach the method in the beginning of the 20th century. Ideokinesis was never sold as other western body- mind methods and is therefor not very known. Practicing "Ideokinesis" can improve health and vitality. The interaction between body and mind will be understood on a different level.
More information about the practical approach you will find in the book "Ideokinesis" by Andrè Bernard, Wolfgang Steinmüller and Ursula Stricker.